I've been keep something from you - Santa Rosa Photographer Kate Nagle


I have no excuse for not posting anything about my life.  It was always my intention to come across as a real person, not just a photographer, but somehow a major event in my life has been passed up and I've never mentioned it here.  So here it is..I got pregnant with the man I adore, I grew huge, I had a baby that we now both adore. My daughter loves him too of course.Like the cobbler who doesn't have shoes, I have have not taken enough photos of my new son (at least nice ones with a real camera).  Here's a few.  the last two months have been a blur, so I'm SO glad to have taken these.  He's grown so much and started really showing off his personality.  The first ones here are of course when he was still inside, the next are at 4 days old and the last ones are at 8 weeks. Pregnancy photos by Michelle Montalbano, a dear friend and great photographer.


Getting personal - Sonoma County wedding photographer Kate Nagle


Wedding at the Golf Course - Kate Nagle Photography Santa Rosa Ca